Masterhaus Redefines Customer
Experience with Microsoft Dynamics 365 LS Central,
Implemented by NavTech Group
Microsoft Dynamics 365 LS Central
NavTech Group analysed the needs Masterhaus and offered a solution that will address theirexact weak points. The solution was based on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central andLS Central as an extension. NavTech Group’s team did additional integrations to expand thefunctionalities of the ERP system and modernize the approach of Masterhaus team.
With Microsoft Dynamics 365 LS Central as their ERP system, Masterhaus entered the worldof digitalization and modern customer experiences. As an extension to Business Central, theall-in-one software designed for the retail industry, LS Central, expands the benefits of theERP system with POS system, back-office functionality, store management and customerloyalty. NavTech Group’s team turned their wishes into reality and worked extensively toprovide all the necessary add-ons.

Our value is adapting to the market changes, and we are always on the lookout forinnovative solutions. This is one of the reasons why we chose Dynamics 365 LSCentral. The ERP system is very customizable and scalable, which is what we need tosupport our growth as a leader in retail construction
Viktor Boshnakov, Authorized Representative of Boshnakov Ltd.

The Replenishment functionality includes calculations of the quantity of items necessary forMasterhaus stores. The Replenishment orders include detailed information regarding theproducts, the sales history, the available in-stock quantity and the suggested availability untila certain date. With just one press of a button, the system performs the necessarycalculations to make proposals, considering the history of sales for the last few weeks andthe remaining stock in the replenishment warehouse. This is how the Masterhaus teamavoids pitfalls and challenges ensuring that their services will always be elite and theircustomers – completely satisfied.
Online Shop Integration

The Navtech team integrated the Masterhaus online shop with Dynamics 365 LS Central toeliminate the need for manual data entering and data duplication across numerous systems.The synchronization between their data across all stores – physical and online – gives themflexibility to make changes to their prices depending on discounts and promo campaigns.With an e-Commerce platform connected to the ERP system, Masterhaus’s team can makebetter decisions about their marketing strategies, optimize their offering, satisfy theircustomers with carefully tailored campaigns and rewards
LS Central POS System

The LS POS system enables Masterhaus’s team to close sales, register advance payments,see product details, connect to a fiscal printer, set up the format and logo of the receipt,generate an intermediary and daily report. Users can manage client offers made in the backoffice directly from the POS, which saves them time and reduces the waiting time.
EFT POS Integration

NavTech Group’s team did an EFT POS integration to automate the transfer of paymentinformation across all bank devices in the Masterhaus stores. The EFT integration saves thefront-line employees much time while also reducing the inaccuracies caused by manualentering of sums. What is more, with such an add-on, the card payment process is muchquicker, and customers do not have to wait in long lines or get frustrated.
Loyalty Program

To satisfy their clients’ needs and retain them successfully, Masterhaus strives to provide awide variety of benefits and rewards. Their customers can join their loyalty program and getexclusive offers personalized to their preferences and buyer habits. As the updated systemprovides key insights into customer trends, Masterhaus’s team can make decisions about theindividual promo offers sent to a customer. This guarantees a personalized approachbecause each client can get a unique discount.
Auto Module

With the Auto module Masterhaus can track their fuel consumption, maintenance costs andall kinds of transport expenses. The Auto module also includes features for document andincident management, insurance, and service agenda, combined with dashboards that givethem insights and access to key vehicle statistics. This constant on-the-go visibility helpsMasterhaus’s team make efficient decisions.
Import of Courier Payments

The payment information provided by the courier companies gets imported to the ERPsystem, and consequently, each payment is matched to its corresponding invoice. Throughthis linking method, Masterhaus has visibility over all courier payments and saves time frommanual data entering, while reducing the risk of lost or forgotten documents.
Masterhaus's team follow strictly what is happening with their business. The visibility that Dynamics 365 LS Central provides is a key ingredient in the recipe for success. All aspects of their business management (Finance and Accounting, Operations, Inventory Management, Supply Chain, Sales, Customer Service) are managed through one and the same system. The team can spot challenges right away and address them in time – no more data inaccuracy, miscommunication across departments, high operational costs or inefficient inventory allocation.INCREASED EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITY
After the implementation of Dynamics 365 LS Central, the team of Masterhaus is more productive than ever. They have put an end to the manual management of their warehouse with inventory processes such as order management, procurement, and replenishment integrated into the system.For example, with the barcode scanning function, Masterhaus’s team can scan items and then create Transfer orders by importing the data from their mobile phones to the ERP system. This automation increases their productivity as more tasks can be performed in less time, and with minimal chance of risks.
After the integration of Dynamics 365 LS Central, their work does not get disrupted because of stock shortages. This also ensures that there will be no dissatisfied customers and negative feedback as Dynamics 365 LS Central automates and handles precisely the replenishment process. With the demand forecasting functionality, the Masterhaus team can spot any risks of out- and overstock and take the necessary precautions.SMOOTH CUSTOMER JOURNEY
The buyer experience is improved with the unified solution of Dynamics 365 LS Central. Imagine this scenario:This is how your customer experience will be upgraded to a new level thanks to the functionalities of Dynamics 365 LS Central.

Customer experience is a priority, and we aim to continuously elevate it. Customers value personalization because it makes them feel understood, leading to a better overall experience. Dynamics 365 LS Central gives us opportunities to implement this strategy. When they choose to shop in our store or order online, it is guaranteed that they will receive the necessary attention and easy access to the products they are looking for.
Viktor Boshnakov, Authorized Representative of Boshnakov Ltd.